Two children running on a track field
Two children running on a track field
Two children running on a track field


With sports camps and more structured activities, 如今的孩子越来越可能全年都从事自己选择的运动. 但在球场上的时间越长,遭受运动相关伤害的风险就越大,包括 ACL and meniscus injuries in the knee, or injuries to the labrum or UCL in the shoulder and elbow.

Pediatric sports medicine expert R. Jay Lee, M.D. 提供以下10个预防伤害的建议,帮助你的年轻运动员留在场上,而不是在场边:

  1. Talk with your young athlete.

    确保你的年轻运动员明白,如果他或她感到疼痛或感觉不舒服,他或她应该和你谈谈,寻求帮助. 在我的实践中,我总是提倡参加无痛的运动和活动. Lee. “But some kids are tough and just push through pain, 哪一种疾病会导致本来可以通过早期干预预防的更严重的疾病.”

  2. Get a preseason physical.

    季前赛或返校体检是确定你的年轻运动员是否适合比赛的好方法. “体育体检有助于在运动员开始一项活动之前评估他们关注的任何领域, 反过来,如果出现需要治疗的情况,可以防止他们在比赛中进一步伤害自己,” says Dr. Lee.

  3. Encourage cross-training and a variety of sports.

    “我看到今天的孩子们在同一天或一整年都在两个棒球队或长曲棍球队打球. 但对于运动员来说,改变他们正在进行的运动或活动是很重要的,这样他们就不会持续地对同一块肌肉和关节施加压力,” warns Dr. Lee. 家长应该考虑限制他们的运动员在任何特定时间参加的团队数量,并定期改变常规,这样同样的肌肉就不会持续过度使用.

  4. Stress the importance of warming up.

    拉伸是一项重要的预防技术,应该成为所有运动员在开始一项活动或运动之前的习惯. Dr. 李建议在热身时混合使用静态和动态拉伸来帮助放松肌肉,为比赛做准备. Toe touches and stretches, 你在哪个职位上工作了一段时间, are considered static, while jumping jacks and stretches, where the body continues to move during stretching, are considered dynamic.

  5. Make sure they rest.

    所有年龄的运动员都需要在训练、比赛和比赛之间休息. 缺乏睡眠和肌肉疲劳使运动员容易受伤,Lee说. 事实上,年轻运动员最常见的损伤是 overuse injuries — too many sports and not enough rest. Along these same lines, 父母也应该为他们的运动员计划一个休赛期, 给他或她足够的时间在下个赛季之前恢复.

  6. Provide a healthy, well-balanced diet.

    对运动员来说,多吃水果是很重要的, vegetables and lean proteins, and to maintain a regular eating schedule. 例如,每天在同一时间吃早餐、午餐和晚餐. “In sports like wrestling, where extra importance is put on an athlete’s weight, 父母还需要确保他们的运动员遵循安全的饮食习惯,” says Dr. Lee.

  7. Emphasize hydration.

    Heat-related illness 这是运动员真正关心的问题吗,尤其是在炎热潮湿的天气里. 父母应该确保他们的孩子有足够的水之前, during and after play, and watch for any signs of a heat-related illness, including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, confusion or fainting.

  8. Get the proper equipment.

    防护装备,如头盔、护垫和鞋子,对预防伤害非常重要. 父母应该在赛季开始前与教练交谈,以便他们有足够的时间在训练开始前为孩子准备合适的装备.

  9. Emphasize proper technique and guidelines.

    在每一项运动中,都有正确的方式和错误的方式. For example, 应该教足球运动员如何正确地对付对手以避免脑震荡, 棒球运动员应该被教导正确的投球方式,并遵循一天投几次球的指导方针. “我经常听到家长们说,他们遵循了指导方针。. Lee, “except for that one time.“不幸的是,你的运动员只需要一次就会发生肩伤.

  10. Recognize injury and get help early.

    “我见过许多年轻运动员受了重伤,却没有采取任何措施, and now the damage has progressed,” Dr. Lee warns. “我们需要让这些孩子早点去看医生,以防止这种情况发生.”

    如果父母注意到他们的运动员技术有了变化, such as a limp when running, 以不同的方式投掷或在活动中摩擦腿, they should pull the athlete out of play. If the problems persist, 家长应在返回活动前为孩子寻求评估.

    Dr. 李警告说:“运动员会因为疼痛而改变他们做事的方式, 但他们最终可能会因此受到更严重的伤害.”


  1. Consistent pain during or after sports
  2. Persistent or new swelling around a joint
  3. Recurrent instability - joints "give way"
  4. Painful pops (nonpainful pops are OK)
  5. Pain that does not respond to a period of rest

Pediatric Sports Medicine Care at Johns Hopkins

  • Johns Hopkins Children's Center

    At the Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, Maryland, 我们的骨科专家团队提供个性化的治疗, 优质护理,帮助年轻运动员克服伤病.

  • Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

    圣约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的儿童运动医学专家. Petersburg, Florida, 了解成长中的运动员的需求,并为照顾孩子感到自豪, 患有任何与运动有关的疾病或受伤的青少年和年轻人.

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