
SLAP Tear Prevention Tips for Baseball and Softball Players


A SLAP tear can be a serious injury no matter your age or professional level. 这在棒球和垒球投手中很常见, position players and other athletes who do a lot of overhead arm motions similar to throwing. 大多数 耳光的眼泪 don't happen in one day and are usually a result of repetitive trauma inside the shoulder.

无论你是棒球还是垒球运动员, 教练或关心的家长, 你可以做一些事情来防止眼泪. 约翰霍普金斯大学 运动医学 专家 约翰·威尔肯斯,M.D.分享了预防SLAP撕裂的重要技巧.



S: S上(肩膀上方)

L: L腕部撕裂(组织类型)

A: A内部(从正面)

P: to P正面(背面).

简而言之, it's a tear in the top portion of the ring of cartilage-like tissue surrounding the shoulder socket. 这里也是二头肌肌腱连接的地方. Most 耳光的眼泪 happen when the tendon pulls away from the bone and tears labrum in the process. This can cause pain at ball release or during a windup. With the biceps tendon partially detached and the labrum torn, your 肩部可能变得不那么稳定加重了伤势.



在大多数情况下,SLAP撕裂是一种 过度使用伤害. This means that it is caused by doing too much of the same activity like throwing a ball. It's important to monitor and limit pitch count, especially for younger athletes. 例如, 适合高中生, 威尔肯斯建议每周不要超过100次, 包括实践. 如果你在一个团队里打球, your coach should be able to provide the pitch limit for your age based on the recommendations from USA Baseball and Major League Baseball.

研讨会 Common Sports and Activity 相关的 Injuries: What to Consider from Pain to Breaks

Learn more about common sports injuries and treatments to consider from our 运动医学 专家 Alex Johnson, M.D.,我们的足部和脚踝专家约翰·汤普森,M.D.,在这个基于网络研讨会的视频中.


如果你对棒球或垒球很认真的话, it helps to have a daily stretching and exercise routine. It should focus on stretching your shoulder capsule (tissue surrounding the shoulder joint) and strengthening your upper back and shoulder muscles.

  • 伸展你的肩囊, 特别是如果它是天然紧绷的, 像睡眠伸展这样的伸展运动可能会有所帮助.
  • To strengthen the muscles surrounding your shoulder blades (scapulae), 你可以做肩胛骨稳定练习, 比如卧用哑铃机, 锻炼你的上背部.
  • For overall power and endurance, weight-lifting and plyometric exercises can make a difference. Plyometric movement focuses on applying maximum force in minimum time, similar to a pitch. An example of a plyometric exercise would be throwing a medicine ball with maximum force against a wall.

It's also important to properly warm-up before any at-home training, practice or game. A warm-up should include stretches for the group of muscles and tendons called rotator cuff that keep your shoulder in place. 不管你做什么运动或伸展运动, 这件事应该做得正确, 如你的教练或理疗师所示.


Your legs, arms, shoulders, spine and hips all work together to drive the perfect pitch. If you've been playing baseball or softball for a while, you know that you don't just throw with your arm; you use your entire body. For the force to travel from your legs to your shoulder, 你的身体需要以某种方式排列, 时机很重要.

Off-balanced pitching or leading the throw with an elbow are a few ways you could compromise the labrum. Not having enough motion in your lower back also can put extra stress on your shoulder. These little things add up, practice after practice and game after game. It's important to learn proper pitching mechanics if you want to 避免过度使用造成的伤害,比如拍打眼泪.

an example of throwing with your arm versus throwing with your body


"Everyone in the major league can hit a fastball,威尔肯斯说. Speed is not everything in baseball: accuracy and efficiency also play a major role. Throwing curveballs and other tricky pitches don't make you more prone to injury if done correctly. But it can lessen the stress on your shoulder and give you an advantage when accuracy counts more than velocity.


Parents and coaches have an important role when it comes to SLAP tear prevention, 尤其是年轻运动员.

  • 数一下音高,或者教你的孩子记下来. Keep in mind that between the practice, the game and playing in the backyard, pitches add up fast.
  • 注意疲劳. Fatigue changes the mechanics of the throw, increasing the chance of injury.
  • Don't push your child to pitch through shoulder pain or discomfort — it could be a sign of injury.
  • Monitor any loss of pitch velocity or control of pitches. 如果音调变得不规则或不准确, this could be the first sign of a SLAP tear before the pain sets in.


A SLAP tear could take you out of the game for several months. The treatment for a SLAP tear usually includes rest, pain relief and physical therapy. 在约翰霍普金斯大学, we generally try two rounds of physical therapy lasting several weeks each before considering surgery,威尔肯斯说.

But not everyone overcomes a SLAP tear and returns to pitching at the game level like TV sports shows may make it look. Those who undergo surgery to repair a SLAP tear can be out from 12 to 18 months, 许多人再也回不到原来的样子了. If you are serious about your baseball or softball career, it's important to understand how 耳光的眼泪 happen and what you can do to avoid them.

