


  • 肩袖肌腱炎也可称为肩滑囊炎, 肩撞击或二头肌肌腱炎.
  • Symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis include pain and swelling in the shoulder area, 手臂无力:手臂活动受限或无力.
  • Rotator cuff tendinitis usually occurs over time after repeated stress on the rotator cuff.
  • 如果不及时治疗, rotator cuff tendinitis can worsen and lead to a partially or completely torn tendon.
  • Surgery is rarely used to treat rotator cuff tendinitis unless the rotator cuff is severely damaged or torn.


The upper arm bone (the humerus) is connected to the shoulder by muscles and tendons. 这些肌肉肌腱群中的四个组成了肩袖, which controls rotation of the arm out away from the body and stabilizes the shoulder. The cuff part comes from the four tendons merging together to form a “cap” or “hood” around the head of the humerus. The head of this bone can be thought of as the ball in the ball-and-socket joint, 这是你的肩膀. This joint allows motion in a full circle, but this may be limited by tendinitis in the cuff.


肩袖肌腱炎也被称为撞击, 滑囊炎 或者肱二头肌肌腱炎. 这些都是同一个问题的不同名称. They mean that there is pain and swelling of the cuff tendons and the surrounding bursa. The bursa is a soft sack that contains a small amount of fluid and cushions the joint.


肩袖肌腱炎不会一次全部发生. 通常,它发生在一个区域反复刺激的很长一段时间. 它更常发生在关节疏松的人身上, people with abnormal bony anatomy in the shoulder and people who do heavy or repetitive lifting above shoulder level.

Lifting overhead or just moving the arm above the head may cause pinching of one of the tendons of the rotator cuff between the upper part of the arm bone and the acromion (which is part of the shoulder blade). 这种挤压叫做撞击. Other causes include calcium in the tendons or a sudden injury to the shoulder.


The first warning sign of cuff injury is pain and swelling of the bursa, as described above. 肩膀 weakness and/or limited range of motion can also occur with long-term irritation or outright injury to the shoulder. The tendinitis can progress to a partial or complete tear of a tendon due to progressive weakening of the fibers.


A physical examination of the shoulder by a qualified physician is the first step. This includes movement and strength testing to evaluate range of motion, pain, weakness and 不稳定. x射线 是否有助于排除其他原因 肩痛,例如 骨折, 关节炎 以及其他骨骼疾病. 如果一个 撕裂 被怀疑, 核磁共振成像 可以用来形象化吗. 核磁共振成像可以检测到即使是很小的部分肌腱套撕裂. 另一项研究叫做 arthrogram将染料注射到关节中,也可能对诊断有用.


受伤的肩膀应该休息,直到疼痛和肿胀消退. Then physical therapy is used for gentle stretching and strengthening to preserve full motion of the shoulder. 然而, exercises above shoulder level should be avoided because they will only continue to pinch the tendons and increase inflammation. 不建议完全不运动, 然而, 因为它可能会导致关节僵硬,导致“冻结”肩膀.

  • 冰. Putting ice bags or cold packs on the shoulder reduces inflammation and pain. 冰敷一天两次,持续20到30分钟. Just massaging an ice cube over the painful area can also help reduce the pain and swelling.
  • 非甾体抗炎药. These aspirin-like drugs (Motrin, ibuprofen, Nuprin, Naprosyn, Advil, Aleve, etc.)也可以减轻疼痛和肿胀. There are a number of different kinds available and your doctor can choose the right one for you. 这些药物可能有一些副作用,应遵照医嘱服用.
  • 类固醇. If other treatments do not work, steroid treatment may be used to reduce inflammation and pain. These drugs can be taken at home as pills or injected directly into the space just above the injured tendons. Injections of steroids can offer long-term pain relief but are used only when they are specifically indicated.


Rotator cuff tendinitis without a 撕裂 normally does not require surgery, 如上所述的治疗通常足以治愈炎症. If pain continues after several months of these treatments and steroid injections have provided only temporary relief, 然后手术成为一种选择. The most common procedure for rotator cuff tendinitis is called acromioplasty. 使用一个 关节内窥镜 (a small camera inserted into the shoulder joint through an incision about the size of a buttonhole), the surgeon can view the affected area and shave the underside of the acromion to increase the space between it and the cuff tendon that is injured. This space helps prevent pinching of the tendon and irritation during shoulder movements. 此外,受损的组织可以被移除,轻微的撕裂可以修复.

To repair severe damage or serious tears in the rotator cuff, open surgery is necessary. 与关节镜比较, the incision is larger and the time required for healing and rehabilitation is somewhat longer. 开放手术期间, 肩峰与受损肌腱之间的间隙增大, 修整肌腱,从肱骨上切下一小块骨头. The injured tendon is then reattached to the humerus with tacks or stitches.


Our team of orthopaedic shoulder and elbow specialists diagnoses and treats common and complex shoulder and elbow conditions, 包括肩袖撕裂, 尺侧副韧带撕裂, 还有肩关节和肘关节关节炎. Our specialists are also skilled in different shoulder replacement approaches.


Rehabilitation usually begins the first week after arthroscopic surgery or an open rotator cuff repair. 遵循外科医生建议的程序是非常重要的. The physical therapist will demonstrate how to do the exercises to increase range of motion and to build muscle strength. A typical program might start with stretching and some minor strengthening exercises with rubber bands and light weights. 可能需要几个月的时间才能恢复正常, 但只要努力工作并坚持推荐的计划, 在大多数情况下,完全恢复是可能的.

